Bread & Butter Style Pickled Beets Recipe

Bread & Butter Style Pickled Beets Recipe

Homegrown, Homemade, Pickled Beets

beets 6

For step-by-step instructions with pictures go here. 

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Pickled Beets
Sweet, tender, tart, tangy. Pickled beets are a palate cleansing, refreshing accompaniment to any meal.
Recipe Notes

To prepare beets:

Cut off the tops of your beets (you can leave an inch or 2 of stem).  Peel & lay your beets on a baking sheet.  Bake in 350 degree oven until fork tender.

Let cool and slice.

To make brine:

Combine all ingredients except beets in a sauce-pot.  Bring to simmer – reduce heat.   Simmer 15 minutes.  Pack beet slices into hot jars.  Ladle hot liquid over beets leaving 1/4 ” head space.  Adjust lids and rims.  Move to refrigerator or process pints 30 minutes in boiling-water bath.

Disclaimer:  Always follow directions specific to your equipment and elevation for canning.  Dispose of any home canned goods that show signs of spoilage which can include: bulging lids, leaking, corrosion, cloudy, mushy, moldy foods or disagreeable odors.

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