Pickled Green Tomatoes – Recipe

Pickled Green Tomatoes – Recipe

Green Pickled Tomatoes are a fabulous way to use up all those last, remaining, green tomatoes from the garden.

pickled tomatoes 6 They are a crispy, dill-pickle flavored snack.  DH prefers to eat them straight out of the jar like pickles, but I like mine on top of a gorgeous ham sandwich.

pickled tomatoes 8

If you didn’t raise pigs, or don’t have any ham, never fear, these are great on any deli sandwich.  Ham, turkey, tuna, chicken salad – they all equally accept pickled tomatoes.  It’s hard to define what a pickled tomato does to a sandwich – it’s like a tomato & a a pickle all rolled into one, except better.

These will keep for 2 months in the refrigerator.  I drop my jars of pickled tomatoes in a water bath canner for 10 minutes so I can eat them all winter.

For step-by-step instructions with pictures go here.

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Pickled Green Tomatoes
These dill pickled tomatoes are the perfect way to preserve the last green tomatoes from your garden. On sandwiches these will star as the tomato & pickle, at the same time! Delicious on any sandwich: fresh deli, even tuna or chicken salad.
Recipe Notes

First Make Brine:

Combine water, vinegar & salt in saucepan & heat until salt dissolves.  Set aside.

To Pack Jars:

Wash, core, slice and pack tomatoes into jars.  You do not need to peel.  Add 2 cloves (roughly chopped) garlic, dash of pepper and 1 tsp. of dill to each jar.  Cover with brine leaving 1/4 inch headspace.  Adjust lids.  Transfer to refrigerator & enjoy within 2 months.

In my area, with my canner, I am able to process my pickled green tomatoes 10 minutes in a water bath canner for (unrefrigerated) winter storage.  Please check your area (for elevation requirements) and your canner directions for proper canning instructions before canning.

Disclaimer:  Always follow directions specific to your equipment and elevation for canning.  Dispose of any home canned goods that show signs of spoilage which can include: bulging lids, leaking, corrosion, cloudy, mushy, moldy foods or disagreeable odors.


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