The Milk Barn Gets a Facelift

The Milk Barn Gets a Facelift

The Milk barn got a face-lift this past weekend.

If you have livestock coming into and out of a building or barn it is going to need some regular clean-up.  We sweep the floor and wipe down the counters almost daily in our cow barn.  This doesn’t prevent a much needed spring cleaning every now and then.  I’m not sure exactly how, but those cows manage to get feed, manure, dirt and filth on every surface of the barn.  It’s really impressive.

It was clean up time.

My husband led the entire event.  I was busy de-molding the refrigerators.  A customer at the pawnshop sold us a HUGE, commercial freezer.  It is awesome….especially if you like mold.  I began scrubbing the giant, mold-infested beast of a freezer …. and while I was at it I noticed the rest of our refrigerators/ freezers could use some clean-up.  So, since I already had a bucket, cleaning supplies, and anti-mold repellents in my hand I just kept cleaning.  I spent the afternoon cleaning every icebox on our property.

Our meat usually comes to our house as a whole animal.  Like a cow, or a deer, or 3 pigs…. so we have more refrigerators/ freezers than the average bear.  Therefore, I was a busy girl.

Meanwhile, my husband and 2 daughters were busy giving the MilkBarn a facelift.

Here is what it looked like last week:


Um…..  nothing to write home about – just a sloppy cow barn.


After a couple hours of scrubbing it looked like this.  Yowzers!


Doesn’t it look good?


I don’t really think the pictures capture the dramatic transformation.  It is amazing.  The cow barn is bright, fresh and clean.

Now the inside is as “pretty” as the outside.

If you would like a full tour of the Milk Barn including equipment and “must haves” go here.

If you haven’t yet, you should join my list so I can send you free farm fun every week!  Via email here.




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