Homemade Coffee Toppings – Great Last Minute Gift Ideas

Homemade Coffee Toppings – Great Last Minute Gift Ideas

Here’s a last minute gift idea if you are putting together some homemade goodies and need some fillers for the baskets.  These are equally good ideas if you just like coffee with a little somethin’ somethin’ spectacular sprinkled on top.

This year my baskets are filled with scramble, candied almonds, tallow candles, several flavors of jelly and Coffee Toppings!!  How fun!

You can make these in 5 minutes and they will make any coffee lover swoon.

Of course, I suppose, in a pinch these could be considered, “hot chocolate toppings” but why would anyone drink hot chocolate when God made coffee?  Maybe the kids would like to top something too.  🙂

I made 2 different flavors:

  1. Cinnamon Sugar Topping
  2. Salted Topping

I’m addicted to the salted variety (among other things like cows and butter).  DH prefers the cinnamon.

To make the cinnamon topping all you need is some powdered sugar and cinnamon.

Perfect Cinnamon Topping

  • 4 Cups Powdered Sugar
  • 1/4 Cup Cinnamon (use more if you like more of a kick)

Mix & you have the perfect spice for your morning cup of joe.

The salted version is just as simple.  All you need is some raw sugar & Sea Salt (or you can use the kosher, flakey. flat kind).  Done.

It turns the most average cup of coffee into wonderfulness in 3 seconds.

Just add a little whipped cream and sprinkle the Salted Topping on.  Delish!


Perfect Salted Topping

  • 4 Cups Raw Sugar
  • 1/4 Cup Sea Salt (or Kosher Salt – must be flat and flakey)

Mix it up and sprinkle it on screamin’ hot coffee after you dollop on the whip-cream.

salted topping 2.1

I found these cute shakers at the local store in our little town.  They are perfect for all coffee toppings.  The holes are nice and big and they came with lids to keep the contents fresh when not in use.

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